Art & Music
9th Grade: Music Appreciation
10th Grade: Art Composition & Design
11th Grade: SAS Studio Art, Year One
12th Grade: SAS Studio Art, Year Two
Music Appreciation (9th Grade Requirement)
Using our ears, our hearts, and sometimes even our iPods, this course explores how music evolved from the beginning of time until today, with stops along the way in Bet Hamikdash times and the Medieval, Renaissance, Baroque and Classical periods. We also consider concert halls and other cultural institutions of Los Angeles, how to protect our hearing from the volume control, and the origins of rock, pop and hip-hop. From far-off lands to Disney Hall, it’s all one journey and we take it together.
Art Composition & Design (10th Grade Requirement)
This year-long course develops the art student’s skills, techniques and vocabulary in drawing and design. Emphasis is placed on growth of the student’s observation skills to enhance their creative abilities.
The elements of line, space, shape, form, texture, value and color are taught, using various media such as charcoal, pencil, pastel, pen, ink, watercolor and acrylic on canvas board. Mixed media is encouraged. Critique and art history are critical components.
Shalhevet students have been accepted to Reed College, Otis, Michigan’s art program, UCLA, USC School of Architecture, FIDIM, and Brandeis Bardin Art School to mention a few.
SAS Studio Art (11th & 12th Grade Elective)
In this two-year class taken during the junior and senior year, AP Studio Art students will work toward the development of a comprehensive portfolio that may meet requirements for entry into college-level fine art classes. Students will investigate three necessary portfolio components: Quality, Concentration and Breadth. They will be expected to master concept, composition and execution of ideas. In addition, students have to research and prepare a concentration proposal by the end of first semester. The concentration must contain a body of work that is developed from an investigation of an idea or plan of action. In constructing the portfolio, students will explore critical characteristics and do creative thinking. Students learn how to seek out creative problems that are interesting and challenging, and use goal-setting, informed decision-making and problem solving skills to pursue their own artistic interest. Students are responsible for demonstrating mastery at using the elements of art to organize the principles of design in their work. Pre-Requisite: Teacher Approval. 11th graders will be enrolled in AP Studio Art.