
Our Talmud curriculum is one of the centerpieces of Shalhevet's exciting academic experience. Students at Shalhevet study gemara through the groundbreaking LaHaV curriculum - which was developed here at Shalhevet, and is currently in use by other schools across the US, Australia, and Israel.
LaHaV was designed to engage our students in gemara learning through the essential issues and values of our tradition - see below for descriptions of each of our courses. In addition to LaHaV, we offer our students a range of advanced gemara learning opportunities through our Matmidim (AGS) program, as well as our Beit Midrash Track (BMT). See below for more information about these options as well. 
Talmud Course Descriptions:
LaHaV Talmud 1
9th Grade Talmud: Introduction to Halakhic Legal Theory


This introductory course focuses on building gemara skills through the foundational principles that guide Jewish law, including lo bashamayim hi – creativity and independence, eilu v’eilu – diversity and dissent, shelo yehe k’shtei torot – unity, and halakha l’moshe misinai – tradition and transmission. In addition, the course explores the sources and nature of rabbinic authority and types of rabbinic legislative activity, culminating in an examination of leniency within Jewish law

LaHaV Talmud 2

10th Grade Talmud: Authority, Acceptance, and Decision Making in Halakha


This course continues to build upon the foundations developed in 9th grade Talmud, providing students with in-depth examination of some of the legal mechanisms used by the rabbis to legislate Jewish law along with heightened textual and conceptual complexity. This course explores the roles of minhag, sevara, judicial independence, and precedent in halakha, while also introducing students to several classic sugyot and further advancing the technical skills developed in our 9th grade gemara course.

LaHaV Talmud 3

11th Grade Talmud: Case Studies - Women and Community / Religious Zionism


This course applies the concepts and skills from 9th and 10th grade Talmud to contemporary communal issues that halakha has responded to, including the role of women in halakha and the religious implications of the founding of the State of Israel. With a focus on the categories of mitzvot aseh she-hazman grama (time bound commandments) that women are exempted from, the obligation of women in prayer and megillah, the ordination of women, as well as halakhic issues relating to aliyah, shemitta, kedushat ha-aretz the establishment of Yom Ha’aztma’ut, this course is designed to continue building student skills and engagement with gemara learning while demonstrating how halakha has responded to issues within the modern world..

LaHaV Talmud 4


12th Grade Talmud: Case Studies - Hilkhot Shabbat


This course serves as the capstone to our 4-year curriculum, applying the principles and mechanisms of halakha to in-depth study of the laws of Shabbat while to continuing to develop gemara learning skills and experience. Students explore the nature and purpose of Shabbat, along with the sources of the Shabbat prohibitions and the categories of Avot, Toladot, melakha she’eina tzricha l’gufa, pesik reisha, mitasek, davar she’eino mitkavein, and issurei derabanan. With a focus on conceptual understanding and practical rulings, students apply their knowledge of halakhic decision making to the leniencies and stringencies involved in contemporary shabbat observance, including the use of electricity, operation of motor vehicles and treating sickness and medical emergencies on Shabbat.


Matmidim Advanced Gemara Shiur (AGS)

One of the key features of our Matmidim program is the Advanced Gemara Shiur (AGS) that meets during breakfast for an additional two hours of gemara learning per week. True to Shalhevet’s educational philosophy, this program was originally started in 2014 by a small group of students interested in additional Talmud study, and has now grown to an enrollment of over 80 students. While every Shalhevet student receives a deep grounding in gemara study and skills through our award-winning LaHaV curriculum, AGS was built in recognition of the fact that the study of Talmud is without question a subject that requires additional time and focus in order to achieve mastery. AGS classes are built around study of traditional masechtot, beginning with masechet Brachot in 9th grade and culminating with in-depth study of masechet Bava Metzia in 12th grade. The learning style closely mimics the skills, analysis, and style of advanced yeshiva learning, and enrollment in AGS is required for all students in the Advanced Judaics track.

Beit Midrash Track (BMT)

We’re excited to introduce a brand new Talmud option for 11th and 12th graders. called the Beit Midrash Track (BMT), which provides our students with additional advanced gemara learning. This course will be a mixed 11th and 12th grade class, limited to a small cohort of students motivated to pursue an immersive, beit midrash-style learning experience that focuses on chavruta learning and independent skills. This course is designed for those students who want to devote more time to studying gemara and who feel that they’ve mastered the fundamentals of our LaHaV curriculum and are ready to step into a more “traditional” style of learning. While AGS students in 10th grade take 3 periods of Talmud + 3 breakfasts a week, the Beit Midrash Track will meet every morning from 8-8:55am, as well as 5 breakfasts, for a total of 10 class sessions each week. In order to participate in this track, students must demonstrate an advanced Talmud skillset from 9th and 10th grade.